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Hey OP. Can you give me some insight into how you play and enjoy the game? I'm always exhausting myself with my negative thoughts. ๐ฎโ๐จ
I have a survival world that my younger siblings occasionally join on. I mostly focus on building but do have the occasional small redstone project. I think the main thing that's helped me is accepting that I don't have the time or the discipline do do the things I see other people do online. It might help that I've only been playing for 3 years so there are still a lot of things in the game I haven't done. My inspiration with the game is also driven by the content I consume, mostly Hermitcraft. The important thing is to find the thing you enjoy most. I personally enjoy worldbuilding and making every build with a purpose and story. If you don't have anyone IRL to play with then joining a whitelist server could be something to try. Or maybe a public server with lots of minigames.
I play it once a year for like 2-3 weeks playing nothing else (with maybe a few extra plays here and there).
But I like doing it as if it's some engineering project. Like in my current world the biggest thing right now is making a road from spawn to where I'll put the base. But it' s survival in an amplified world, and I'm forcing my self to make the road like it would be in real life, first I did a survey so find the route with the least need for (in order of priority) tunnels, bridges, and "blasting"/rock cutting. Then I clear cut the "right of way" then constructed the road from the tree farm and quary/mine to the first bridge location and make a nice looking bridge with a stone brick retaining wall and staircase down to the lake. Also I'm adding in retaining walls and supports where realistic. It's kinda fun and so far has resulted in a lot more scenic and impressive looking road than the usual strategy of boring a straight line to the destination and treating bridges and tunnels like they are free.
I should play it again...