this post was submitted on 11 Oct 2023
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[–] themeatbridge 6 points 1 year ago

I thought She Hulk was fun, and very true to the comics. Yeah, the CG sucked, falling deep into the uncanny valley. But they captured the spirit of the character and the stories. I was worried they would make it just a generic Xena clone, or worse, an imitation Ally McBeal.

As for sacrifices, I'd say there are just as many men who sacrifice or are sacrificed to serve the plot. And two of the sacrifices you mention did come back, albeit as multiverse alternate versions (Gamora and Scarlet Witch). Heroic or villainous sacrifice is a superhero trope. Heroes are willing to die to achieve their goals, and villains are willing to kill to achieve their goals. That's how you know who's who.

I'm looking forward to GotG3.