this post was submitted on 10 Oct 2023
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submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/funny
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[–] [email protected] -3 points 8 months ago (2 children)

He pointed a loaded weapon at someone and fired it. If anyone else in Hollywood does that I'll criticize them too.

[–] EncryptKeeper 3 points 8 months ago (2 children)

He pointed a prop at someone which fired a bullet that wasn’t supposed to be in it, that was present due to the negligence of somebody who wasn’t him. People in Hollywood do what Alec Baldwin did on set every day. Hollywood has been using real guns as props for decades, and that hasn’t changed due to the Rust shooting. There was definitely gross negligence and breach of protocol involved in this particular movie set which lead to a death, however I haven’t seen a single source that suggests Alec Baldwin was directly involved in any of those breaches of protocol, which makes sense because that’s not his job. If you turned back the clock and replaced Alec with any other actor in Hollywood it wouldn’t have changed the outcome because he wasn’t responsible for the mistakes that led to the tragedy, which has been since validated up by the U.S. court system.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

If you have a functional firearm or one you aren't positive isn't functional in your hand you are responsible for making sure it is safe. If that isn't part of Hollywood's practices then they're all idiots. This accident would have been easily prevented by simply checking if the fucking thing was loaded. It was a revolver for fucks sake that takes 2 seconds.

[–] EncryptKeeper 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

It is part of Hollywoods practices but not for the actor. There are so many checks that should happen long before it gets in the actors hands. You can call them all idiots if you want, it’d be more accurate than placing the blame on ALEC Baldwin specifically.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

The last check should be the actor themselves. It's a simple procedure anyone handling one should know how to do. Especially on a revolver. He claims he went through a safety instruction at the start of filming this movie. If that were true he should know all this. The gun was in his hand and pointed at someone when it went off. He's responsible.

[–] EncryptKeeper 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I’m sorry but he’s just not responsible, and your personal beliefs on gun safety aren’t enough to change the fact that he acted in a way consistent with the industry and his peers. Your personal opinion on gun safety doesn’t outweigh the U.S. justice system’s which has not convicted him of any wrong doing. I understand that you don’t like his political beliefs and you’d like to see him punished on that merit alone and will ignore the reality of the situation in order to apply your own made-up rules of responsibility onto him alone, but realistically speaking, he’s ultimately not at fault.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

If I hear of anyone else accidentally shooting someone I'd have the same opinion towards them regardless of their politics. I don't care about his political beliefs at all. I probably agree with him on a lot of shit. It has no bearing on this situation. Honestly it's starting to sound like his political beliefs are why you're defending him so adamantly as this is the second time you've brought them up unprompted. I'm not making up rules. Pretty much everyone agrees on how guns should be handled safely. I don't care what the government says. You cannot dispute the fact that if he and anyone else handling that gun had checked it properly the woman would still be alive.

[–] EncryptKeeper 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Your opinion being politically motivated is just the most logical conclusion anyone can make, since it’s not based on the facts of the matter or the reality of the situation. There were so many grossly negligent acts committed on that set that didn’t involve Alec Baldwin that go largely ignored by you and others who share your opinion, that the chance that you are making an honest, objective judgement of the situation are slim to none.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago

What have I said that was not factual? If he had checked the fucking gun then he would have found live rounds in it and not fired them into people.

[–] some_guy 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

The last check should NEVER BE ANYBODY BUT THE ARMORER. The ONLY CHECK should be the armorer.

Exactly one person in the chain of custody.

This is how Hollywood works. Doing your dumb shit would get you fired and stripped of your union membership at best

Learn how things work in the adult world before talking with authority about something you have zero knowledge of. Your dumbass redneck “gun safety” doesn’t work and will never work for guns that need to be handled on a film set.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

What dumb shit? Making sure the gun they're holding isn't actually loaded? Literally everyone (except hollywood apparantly) agrees on the basics of gun safety because they DO work. If he'd done that this woman would be alive. Clearly hollywood's practice's aren't idiot proof.

[–] some_guy 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

If the actor does anything with the gun that isn’t in the script and performed while the camera is rolling, the entire set is cleared and the weapons need to be recertified before the set is called safe again.

Literally everyone in Hollywood and the firearms industry agrees these are the basics of gun safety on a live set. But dumbasses who took a gun safety class from redneck Joe at the Y think they know what’s best in every situation.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Better they have to shut the set down than someone end up dead. Like what actually happened.

[–] FireTower -2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

Props are just items in the property of a production. Prop ≠ unable to be used to inflict harm. If a kitchen knife is bought for a production it is now a prop, but it still is sharp.

Safety rules don't cease being in effect because there's a camera. Safety is the responsibility of every on a job site regardless of industry. The 4 basic firearm safety rules can be taught in minutes and has he followed a single one in that moment no one would have been hurt.

[–] EncryptKeeper 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

Every other industry doesn’t have an armorer to take care of that for you so of course you’d be personally responsible in an industry outside of Hollywood. If you’d like the argue that Hollywood is going about firearm safety all wrong then there’s nothing wrong with that. But that is a Hollywood problem, it’s not specific to Alec Baldwin, and evidently the judicial system agrees.

[–] FireTower 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Having an armorer on site doesn't absolve every one of their duty to not endanger others around them do to negligence. Just like the OSHA inspector showing up isn't a good reason to operate a forklift drunk.

I do believe that this is in part an industry problem, but that doesn't excuse any individual in the industry's reckless behavior.

[–] EncryptKeeper 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

It most certainly does excuse them, as evidenced by the fact that Alec Baldwin was not convicted of a crime. The point has been made that the industry has been doing this for decades and it’s only become “the individuals responsibility” when Alec Baldwin was involved, due primarily to his political beliefs. So it’s hard to take any argument to the contrary seriously when it’s so clearly politically motivated.

[–] FireTower 0 points 8 months ago

The last time there was as high profile of a case of a person on Hollywood being killed on set by accident via firearm was 30 years ago with Brandon Lee. It's "only become the individual responsibility" recently because for the better half of three decades the topic wasn't being discussed, because there hadn't been a incident to spark discussion. It's a work place H&S issue. If he had stabbed someone with what he thought was a rubber knife, it'd still be his fault.

Also charges against him were only dropped without prejudice as the prosecutor felt they hadn't gathered sufficient information to bring him to trial. As of April they're still collecting information to possibly return to the charges.

[–] some_guy 0 points 8 months ago

It absolutely does excuse them.

That is the point of an armorer.

[–] some_guy 1 points 8 months ago

You ever seen a movie where they fire a gun?

Criticize away kiddo.

Learn how armorers work in Hollywood and why your roughneck bullshit would get you blackballed from the industry and kicked out of the union, then come back here and tell us about how you’re a fucking child.