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Yeah. I question their decision to tell the story over the entire year instead of giving it to us in Lightfall. This cutscene feels more planned out than the Strand aspect quest though, which felt more like cut campaign content that was slapped together.
I think they're looking at seasonal storytelling the wrong way. The Beyond Light seasons are peak destiny imo because they tell a coherent and exciting story across all the seasons about Savathun possessing Osiris and infiltrating the tower and manipulating everyone. None of that is really related to the Beyond Light campaign. It's entirely separate.
That's what they need to do. Lightfall needed to tell a story that mostly resolved by the end of the campaign and explained the big things. The seasons could then tell a cohesive story of how we fight back against the shadow legion on earth and on Neomuna, and on learning more about portal on the traveler.
I can totally get behind telling a story over the entire year. The problem is they didn't bother with a story that would do well doled out in parts. Instead they went "Let's just return to D1 poorly explained mcguffins and then we can explain it later!" which backfired horribly.
MyNameIsByf put out a vid on it today with I think valid criticism. His main points:
Great video for sure. Yeah the actual story revealed is fine. I don't care that the Veil is still largely mysterious because we've given it the context where that mystery doesn't matter as much -- it's the darkness analogue to the traveller. It seems to be singular, gives out(?) darkness powers. There's still plenty of mystery (wtf are the traveller and the veil? are they sentient in any way? we've seen some signs of it from the traveller but nothing I'd call definitive yet, as examples), but we understand where the veil sits in the story and why we needed to prevent the Witness from geting in there (OOPS!)