this post was submitted on 20 Jun 2023
104 points (100.0% liked)

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founded 1 year ago

I am mainly testing Lemmy right now and wanted to share my favorite of my lamps with you all. Thank you :)

Found out that I can add the others too in my comment:

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is amazing and super creative! I'd love to know more about your process if you're willing to share

[–] Atreju 3 points 1 year ago

The process is rather easy to describe:

  • Vinyl record needed (clear or milky-clear)
  • Frame needed

Step1: Make the record fit the frame with a tiny gap only in between Step2: Fully seal one side, pour resin from the other side (tiny bit amount of clear resin only!) - fill this gap, make the record stick to the frame Step3: Find the pigments you want to use, I am currently testing through a small pile of different pigments as the ones in the pictures are not sunlight proof - I made tests and they fade in direct sunlight in around 2-3 months, they are fully fine if the sun doesn't hit them directly though. The pigments which where sunlight prove, didn't give me the flashy colors. Step4: Mix the pigments and the resin, depending on the pigments the amount of resin will strongly vary. I had success by using the special JDiction 4hrs Resin and simply overdosing the colors beyond the recommended value - less resin, more pigment. My first lamps got 3 layers of colors as I was dosing the pigments and colors as suggested by JDiction --> heavy lamp, much resin Step5: Attach the UV LED strip to the inside and see if you are happy with the glow, eventually repeat step 4 if needed. I always put them against a white wall to get a nice reference of the color density Step6: Clean the record from the sticky tape / sealing material Step7: Replace the record label (or leave it as it is) - I used AI generated Art to make some fancy labels, the print was done on transparent inkjet paper, 2 layers are required for a nice flashy look. I stick the layers together with a bit of clear resin, after the full cure I applied a bit more resin on the back of the label but heavily pigmented flash white to give the picture the white back Step8: Apply mirror film to the back to make the lamp glow much stronger

Hope it all makes sense :)