A community for Bungie's FPS looter-shooter MMO Destiny/Destiny 2
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- for official forums, patch notes, blogs, and more
The official Destiny 2 Companion app for both iOS and Android
D2 Checklist to track weekly content
-, a database of weapons and items
Destiny Item Manager to manage your vault and inventory
Destiny 2 Armor Picker to manage armor and stats
Destiny Tracker to track player stats
Trials Report to view player stats for Trials of Osiris
Datto for guides, general and PvE-focused gameplay, and discussion
My name is Byf for in-depth lore videos
CoolGuy for in-depth weapon and armor reviews
Aztecross for general gameplay, builds, and more
ninjy for weapon damage testing
Other Lemmy Destiny Communities:
Destiny 2 Builds for character builds
LowSodiumDestiny for a salt-free Destiny community
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I really like the new Season.
Friend of mine and me duo'd the dungeon, which was also pretty rad. I'm a bit occupied with IRL things, so can't really game that much (mainly just going out with the family to touch grass, because spring/summer), But what I've seen was pretty good.
I think moderation is key to everything, so the activities still feel fresh. You'll get to Season Rank 100 eventually and the god roll/crafting shapes of this season aren't that important. I'll just try to pickup the shape for the strand shotgun and maybe a godroll rapid hit/kinetic tremors spare rations.
The real good weapons are through the dungeon, so maybe I'll try to solo it, even though I'm not that great at the game. Not really a LFG player, but if someone wants to group up, I'm interested. Maybe we could get a Lemmy Destiny Clan going.