Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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2. Posts must directly relate to Pixel Dungeon: All content posted must directly reference Pixel Dungeon or one of its variants in some form. Loose connections or similar nomenclature from irrelevant works do not count.
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The berserker is meant to be the subclass that most heavily incentivizes investing in armor. For some people, who already like defense, this works really well, but lots of folks (especially more experienced players) are used to evading attacks and investing in high damage output, and so berserker doesn't fit their playstyle very well. It's also a bit unfortunate that a lot of his special power has to be so tricky to access compared to other subclasses, but it's sort of necessary given how powerful all that extra damage and defense can be. Older iterations of the berserker did things like granting the ability to cheat death for free, and were absolutely busted in terms of winrate as a result.
Hey Evan I know this is random but is there a way to transfer donor perks from one device to another?
I bought emerald perks to support your game but can't seem to figure out how to transfer those to my new device.
It's not a huge deal as they're only cosmetic but stuff like the manageable score list was intensely useful to track my own performance
Supporter purchases should be tied to your Google account. Make sure you're using the same account, and try clearing cache/data on the Google Play app and then restarting your device.
That's weird. I logged into the same Google play account when logging in. I'll try installing again 👍