Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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that safe path for the rot heart feels like the best change by far here, since before there could be situations whete you nearly couldn't get to it at all without sacrificing a major chunk of your resources or straight up dying
the mazelike walls add to this, since wandering hostiles will take much longer to notice you while you're busy taking down the rot heart- a welcome thing since blazing champions have a really bad habit of showing up right when i'm unable to run away, personally at least
I play huntress so I don't need to walk all the way to the heart, but even then it's annoying when you can't see where it is. This will be a lot more convenient for me as well.
I once had the brilliant idea to just burn the whole room. Don't do this, folks.
Everyone does this... once.
I don't think I ever did on purpose, don't remember on accident, but the old man does warn you against using fire