this post was submitted on 30 Jul 2023
59 points (88.3% liked)

Mildly Infuriating

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Home to all things "Mildly Infuriating" Not infuriating, not enraging. Mildly Infuriating. All posts should reflect that.

I want my day mildly ruined, not completely ruined. Please remember to refrain from reposting old content. If you post a post from reddit it is good practice to include a link and credit the OP. I'm not about stealing content!

It's just good to get something in this website for casual viewing whilst refreshing original content is added overtime.


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3. No Spam

Posting the same post, no matter the intent is against the rules.

-If you have posted content, please refrain from re-posting said content within this community.

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6. NSFW should be behind NSFW tags.

-Content that is NSFW should be behind NSFW tags.

-Content that might be distressing should be kept behind NSFW tags.


7. Content should match the theme of this community.

-Content should be Mildly infuriating.

-At this time we permit content that is infuriating until an infuriating community is made available.


8. Reposting of Reddit content is permitted, try to credit the OC.

-Please consider crediting the OC when reposting content. A name of the user or a link to the original post is sufficient.



Also check out:

Partnered Communities:

1.Lemmy Review

2.Lemmy Be Wholesome

3.Lemmy Shitpost

4.No Stupid Questions

5.You Should Know

6.Credible Defense

Reach out to LillianVS for inclusion on the sidebar.

All communities included on the sidebar are to be made in compliance with the instance rules.

founded 1 year ago

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[–] LillianVS -4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Your argument of semantics is not constructive to this conversation. You absolutely know what I am talking about yet you continue

Spam is spam. The definition fits whether you like it or not I am not discussing it further.

We are arguing over the proper use of this site. When I say site what I mean is platform and you know that. You're just arguing about that again for the sake of it. Again, not constructive. Frankly it's obnoxious

When promoted to me by the site admins it's always encouraged to subscribe to communities. Why is it there if you people aren't supposed to use it? Why should I be forced into seeing posts from a user whose only purpose is to spam content. If all they are doing is reposting the same content over and over . What good is it for me to block multiple communities because of a single user? You're bringing a tank to a knife fight. Then that restricts me from seeing posts from an entire community based on the actions of a single individual. Whereas blocking 1 person only stops me from seeing their posts. Oh well, who cares. If a user doesn't want to see someone's posts they can block them if they want too. They are well within their rights to do so.

Why do I have to deal with the inconvenience of seeing the same post because someone doesn't have good etiquette when using the website?

You missed some pretty key details about how constantly posting the same post hinders it getting proper engagement. I know this shit, I have browsed this place long enough to understand that pretty well.

You are arguing a different purpose for communities. My idea of the purpose of communities is having them as individual spaces. I have no issues if someone makes a LemmyShitpost or a Mildly Infuriating on another instance. That doesn't bother me. The two communities can co-exist. It's especially useful if it's a case of two communities instances being defederated so allowing the posts to be seen by as many people as possible.

People are actively telling you they do not like posts being spammed across multiple communities. That is lowering the quality of content here on Lemmy. Which makes Lemmy a worse platform than alternative places. Whilst well intended it isn't a viable strategy. Not for keeping people happy.

It just clogs up the All feed with the same post making any other posts hidden. This is not a good thing. It reflects poorly on this platform.

Imagine if today everyone decided I am going to post an article to every news community across all instances. That would get pretty chaotic pretty fast, but I guess that's not spam to you is it?

Anyway. I am ending my discussion with you here. I have said what I needed to say. I made my points pretty clear where I stand on this.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I read the first two sentences and stopped. That’s literally what we’re talking about. If you’re not going to discuss it any further than I have no idea why you ended up typing out so much more after that. I’m not wasting more of my time finding out though.

Enjoy the rest of your day.