this post was submitted on 24 Jul 2023
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S01E06: Home July 26th, 2023 on Disney+ 37m None
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[–] ClarkDoom 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Sir, I just wanna call out that having plot points in a show doesn’t make it good. There’s a common notion thrown around today in response to this reductive line of thinking that “plot does not equal good”. Tv and movies are visual mediums with different components that have to come together in a cohesive way to actually create something worthwhile. Secret Invasion cares about nothing but plot - it doesn’t care about writing, direction, cinematography, costume/ set design, or literally anything that the audience can reasonably pick up on. It only cares about serving up whatever plot points are bare bones required for whatever the next marvel show is.

You cannot promise with any degree of honesty or integrity that all the negative reception to this bad show is from people who have unrealistic expectations.

[–] Huxleywaswrite -2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

All of the complaints I've seen boil down to: " but i wanted it to be this". And yes, that's all on unrealistic expectations.

There was a common opinion for a while among marvel fans that fan theories were mostly trash, and it sounds like it still holds true. You guys all had expectations from this show that were not based on what the show promised to be. You wanted it to be exactly like it would be in your head, but you aren't writing or making it, so it won't be and then you get annoyed about it. Get over it.

[–] ClarkDoom 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

My primary complaint with the show is the abysmally bad script, the lackluster direction, and completely lack of momentum and pacing. Those are completely separate from complaints that stem from expectations. Even so, Secret Invasion is an adaptation - creators who make adaptations have to account for expectations as a requirement for doing the project else they should make an original work and call it something else.