this post was submitted on 22 Jul 2023
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I'm in full "Starfield waiting room mode". Between this and my job taking a large portion of my time I'm disinclined to fully invest in any game. I still spend a few of hours here and there, but it's less focused and more just 'dicking around'.
WoW solocraft server is something I've been meaning to get setup for awhile. I tend to be a solo WoW player and the leveling process draws me more than endgame. The server I run is passable, but a little jenky. The space bar causes you to jump when underwater, global cooldowns have a hiccup delay, pet aggro functions incorrectly, etc.
Xenoblade 2 has been on my list for awhile. For misc reasons I gave up on the game partway through in favor of watching the cutscenes movie-style. I still want to beat the game though. The game is complex and I've been trying to get advice on a methodology for playing the game's systems. Until I get that help though I merely dabble with the game and tiptoe forward.
Gregtech NH. It's been a hot minute since I've run a minecraft mod pack. A friend mentioned them and I figured I'd do a bit of research and find what people consider to be a good one. GTNH is not new, but apparently it has had a long time to cook and is balanced and developed.
BotW may not be the shiny new TotK, but it's what I have. I didn't 100% Tears, but I saw all the story content and beat it. My copy was borrowed so afterwards I returned it. Now BotW is all I have, but it's still fun and an excellent 'dicking around for an hour' kind of game.
I want to play Starfield so much! Don't have a PC that can play it though, so thinking about getting an Xbox. But going to wait a bit a few after release, to let them fix the bugs, and for a distant chance that it may actually come to PS5 (yeah, I know, never going to happen...).