FDA scientists told ‘woman’ and ‘disabled’ are on Trump’s banned word list
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Once again, those 7 million or so asshats that didn't vote for Kamala because of 'GeNoCiDe JoE', this is on you.
Imagine your house is on fire. You know you can put it out. You just have to get the right tools. Along come the democrats.
They promise you left and right that if you can make just one more donation they will help you put out the fire. You accept. They take your money and tell you that there is nothing that they can do to help you even though they have all the means and capabilities to do so. They got firetrucks around the corner and helicopter based water hoses. They even have a genie that could magically put out your fire and rebuild your house that would cost them nothing to disperse. The parliamentarian says there is no room in the budget for putting out fires even though it would cost nothing.
They tell you it's your neighbors fault who's house is also on fire. They say, "well if he had donated to us then we could have helped him like we are helping you." As the fire grows and consumes the whole structure Kamala Harris arrives to recount the single mother story for all the people suffering from burning houses.
They ask her what this has to do with their houses being on fire and she cuts them off - "I am speaking." She is booed by the people who have become restless because their houses have become ash.
"Don't worry people, I know how to solve your problems" as she pulls out a big check. "How much do you think it'll cost to rebuild your houses?"
The estimate it will take about $10 billion.
"Alright then how about $100 billion?" She offers. She also hands them each a $100 bill so they they can get groceries for the week.
The residents rejoice. They can't believe it. They are saved or so they think. When they finally get the money they are confused. She must have made a mistake
The $100 for groceries were given to them directly while the check is made out to Israel.
"Do you condemn Hamas?' Harris asks as she grabs Liz Cheney and a blowtorch.
Every time you vote blue or red a small country in the middle east gets more of your tax dollars. Stop the madness.
That's a lot of words to say "I don't understand politics and only care about one single issue"
Most voters are single issue voters. If you understood politics you would know this.
You already out of the game before you entered the arena.