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Unpopular Opinion: Who cares?
Let me expand. While Kendrick put together an amazing show, it's still just that, a show.
We've had almost 30 years of media that "tells it like it is" starting with the likes of South Park and Family Guy. Things have only gotten worse.
As much as it was cool, I put this up there with performative protests like wearing pussy hats.
Kendrick might be right that "They Not Like Us" but he's also not like us and has the financial ability to put his money where his mouth is and do a lot more than just a flashy, glitzy televised protest.
He's wrong, the revolution will not be televised, because what he did isn't the kind of shit that starts revolutions. So tired of jerking off these fucking media savvy jackholes for doing bare minimum.
I don't see Kendrick funding legal battles with the Trump administration, make of that what you will, but it's why I kind of see it as pointless, frivolous, and out-of-focus. (Maybe he's doing it but not publicizing it?)
In the end, entertainers are capitalists and they don't want the system as it is to really change.
If it's not gonna change shit, seriously, who cares? Drake will literally be fine, the rest of us won't be.
Answer: Black people. People of color. And you should care too.
Analysis of the performance as just an extended diss on Drake is shortsighted at best. The Drake beef is only the exterior veneer of a much more nuanced and symbolic work expressing race, culture, and economics in America. For a deeper analysis see: https://www.tiktok.com/@toureshow/video/7469843075863579950 (apologies for the TikTok link but it’s a very good one)
Like I said, it was an amazing show.
That doesn't mean it's gonna change fuck-all.
Wow okay what a way to engage with the cultural significance and the molding potential inherent to art. Given how quickly you commented back, did you even watch the video?
Let me clarify: Your original comment is valuable but I felt it missed some nuance, specifically as to how it may foster and bolster solidarity. So I brought to the table new analysis of the media and why it has more cultural significance than perhaps any super bowl performance, ever.
In your response you exhibit neither a desire to hear nor understand and that is disappointing and frankly disrespectful. :(
I watched the performance. I'm not an idiot, I understood the subtext.
We're literally in a Constituional Crisis and on the verge of the nation falling apart.
This does nothing to change that. There's bigger fish to fry. This was an event sponsored by Apple, who famously told Jon Stewart he had to stop the rabble rousing. Tim Cook is literally busy kissing Trump's ring. This is bread and circuses, my friend. Black capitalism isn't going to save us.
Like I said, it was a great show. But that's all it was: a show. It changes absolutely nothing about the direction in which we are headed. I also made clear I knew this would be an unpopular opinion.
Not the performance. The video. The link I sent you. The one two comments above.
Whatever. I thought this could be a nice conversation about building solidarity and mutual support in media but you ruined it by bringing it back to the same three talking points that are already beat to death on every social media feed. Have a good one. :(
Because you can't do that in corporate media, sorry. It's a fools errand. I worked in news production for 10 years, ask me how I know. I'm not trying to be rude, but it's just not a path forward.
I can see your point of view. Idk if you would consider this the same, but in this vein I really appreciated that Chappel Roan used her Grammy win as an opportunity to talk about the exploitative nature of the music industry, especially in the cases of smaller indie musicians.
But even tho Kendrick didn't use his platform in a similar way, I still really enjoyed him roasting Drake again. Idk man, everything in the US sucks rn and it was nice to genuinely laugh yesterday
yuh yuh
art doesn’t typically cause immediate political change but it can bolster and help it along. many examples:
when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. is kendrick going to fix america? fuck no lol, but giving a voice to human dignity and class consciousness cannot hurt. in the same way me writing this comment ain’t gonna do shit but it sure cannot hurt.
so anyone who read this far, i highly recommend looking into analysis of the performance by Black creators. hopefully you can find some new community and engage in support with those folk. :)
Chappell Roan has her nail artist work for "exposure," she's the wrong person to be referencing here. Just because her nail artist has decided they're okay with it doesn't mean its not inherently exploitative and hypocritical to say you deserve better pay and healthcare while literally denying it to people who work for you.
Otherwise I agree with you, it's good to have a laugh, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I have the same opinion, like it's cool to point out drake is a shit head pedo, but also.. Like there's so much more pressing issues, I was kinda hoping he'd make a real statement of some kind, that could be literally dangerous but that's what it'd take to weild your moment for good.
Whatever, it was a fine show I guess
While I enjoyed the legendary diss, I was also hoping for something more substantial as well. This was especially after the late announcement of trump's attendance.
It's funny though
so we aren't able to celebrate any W's, no matter how small? come on lol