this post was submitted on 03 Feb 2025
23 points (92.6% liked)

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I know several Republicans who will say they love trump and everything he's doing. I say well, conservation is really important to you, and trump just cut funding to wind farms, cut tons of environmental protections, cut regulations for pollution, isn't this against everything you stand for? And they say "well nobody's perfect."

Then they say rfk is going to fix our country's health! and I say he is anti vax this is the foundation he funds to create anti vax propaganda, haven't you been pushing for vaccines your whole life? And they say well I don't think he's really going to do that.

And then they say trump is going to fix the border and I say "weren't you saying for years the problem is illegals and that we should protect refugees? Trump just canceled flights for 1500 refugees who would have been totally legal to be here" and they say well I don't know. 1 day later they're back to saying trump and rfk are great.

I don't think they are faking these beliefs, it's just as soon as a republican does it they choose to not see it. I can understand looking the other way for 1 or 2 things, but when 10+ go against their core values in the course of 3 days... it's just really disappointing to see them value "their guy" over the work they've done for their whole lives.

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

It's rough, man. I've got family I don't really talk to over this stuff. Just because I have an answer, doesn't mean I have the answer, you know?

Best of luck.