this post was submitted on 30 Jan 2025
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With Disney+’s Daredevil: Born Again bringing back Charlie Cox and his Netflix co-stars for a new series—following Cox’s Matt Murdock reprise on She-Hulk: Attorney at Law—the question’s come back around again. In an interview with ScreenRant, Marvel Television’s Brad Winderbaum was asked about the canon status of two of the ABC series: SHIELD and Agent Carter.

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[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I forget exactly when AoS broke step with the main MCU. It was sometime after Winter Soldier came out, which I think was still in S1 of AoS. They didn't go into the virtual world, past/future/alternate timelines until S4.

So I guess there's 2 or 2 and a half seasons, really, that would only need to be reconciled. I think I'm remembering that right, anyway. Haven't seen it for a few years.

[–] MimicJar 8 points 1 day ago

Yeah, that's about right, but season 1 is monster of the week until it lines up with Winter Soldier and SHIELD falls. So no conflicts there.

The only real conflict would be Inhumans, which is more or less the season 2/3 plot.

I highly doubt we'll see Inhumans since we have Mutants and no one is talking about the Inhumans show that bombed and only aired half a season.

BUT, if we're going to reboot a world and have Mutants, let's just have Mutants. In fact we're already doing that. Look at Kamala Khan, she's an Inhuman, but in the MCU a Mutant.