Digital Art
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The trailer looks like a typical hyped up Hollywood scifi movie. Instead of the introspective vibe that makes Simon's work so iconic, it stars Chris Pratt and plays a booming orchestral cover of Somewhere Over The Rainbow. It's VERY in-your-face....give it a watch and I think you'll understand why I'm disappointed
I knew nothing about the art 10 minutes ago and now I am also enraged at the trailer.
I know Tales From The Loop wasn't for everyone but it did a remarkably good job of translating it. It felt like the show runners really "got" his work. The score, the cinematography, the pacing...I think it's a beautiful series. It reminded me of Battlestar Galactica in the sense that the sci-fi was just the backdrop for the story, not the whole point of it.
The trailer for The Electric State is one catchphrase away from being a Marvel movie. I don't mean that as an insult to Marvel, though - it's just the wrong aesthetic for a slow, grounded story by Simon Stalenhag.
Giant robot explodes and the head lands 5 feet from Chris Pratt. He looks at the camera and says "well that just happened.
I can't bring myself to watch it again....did that actually happen? That unfortunately fits with my memory of the trailer..
No but it may as well have.
The worst part is....I really like Chris Pratt! I just think he's poorly cast half the time