
joined 2 years ago
[–] InfiniteSpaces 2 points 6 months ago

Oh thats a tough one, i dont like it but ive seen a major community divided over it before. It comes down to not the art but the size of the furry community, they are more prolific in general, so theres alot more of it, but the genre is not really understood by the general art community, which is comparitivley smaller in terms of posting. So we decided against it here, to keep moderating easy, and since there are likely already other dedicated communities for that anyway. I hope that makes some degree of sense. I dont mind linking a good furry community on the side bar near that rule if you would like to suggest one though.

[–] InfiniteSpaces 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Thats alot of work, good job!

[–] InfiniteSpaces 1 points 8 months ago

Its possible, but its more likely processing the raw data using a different technique that causes the differences. Cant be sure, but yeah this looks alot better now. I didnt add any noise myself, since i dont know how to/hadnt considered it, when i felt it looked a little flat i just went looking for a better topo map.

[–] InfiniteSpaces 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

So i looked in the blend file, and it seems i changed the texture map to this one at some point:

That one was better, and i also recall manually aligning the color map from the other Nasa site i linked before, just used photoshop offset the color map horizontally, sorry i was learning alot and didnt yet have a proper folder structure going, its also likely i made othe changes to the textures but i was moving fast and eager to get back to blender, i could likely send you the blend file along with those texures though, if you let me know an easy way to share it.

[–] InfiniteSpaces 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (4 children)

Ooh nice, i may have used a higher res texture, or could be more subdivisions, this is very close though!

[–] InfiniteSpaces 2 points 8 months ago (7 children)

Didnt do anything specific in that regard, its a just a standard UV sphere with a (2:1) texture map. I did run in to that issue when trying to export (bake) a procedural gas planet texture map, but its pretty trivial to fix the texture map in photoshop afterwards. This is just an entry level project i did to learn the basics of blender, after 25 years of using 3DsMax only. Took a good while to render on my new pc so i thought i should share it before deleting it localy.


Test render from a very simple blender animation i am working on as early blender learning project.

Feel free to use as you please. Textures courtesy NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio

Render and texture edits by me, made with Blender.

[–] InfiniteSpaces 2 points 11 months ago

Haha i know, ive been using it since v2.0 and i dont think i have ever had a machine that wasnt actually a server where it really had enough ram, as much i love to hate on it though, its really amazing software, and being able to watch it grow for so long and by so much has been quite the trip, as well as an honor.

[–] InfiniteSpaces 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

decade old drivers you shouldn’t use

You are quite right, but Its older versions of max with decades old plugins that are usually the issue, sometimes though i cannot avoid using these as i specialise in max and often customers dont bother updating stuff, but still need compatibility. Also alot of it is caused by me, i have often (not always by choice) had inadequate hardware, where once you start rendering, the machine will lock up in a way where its quicker to just reboot (even task manager can get locked out) than just wait for max to exit gracefully. While it is possible to find the sweet spot, some amount of crashing to desktop/forced rebooting is kind of inevitable in these cases, and here i am just considering the worst case scenario.

I appreciate your reply though, as offcourse its not normal, but some 3dsmax versions especially with older plugins/scripts are not unlike a modern game, where if you add too many mods or put too many parts on your rocket ship, will quite happily crash or freeze your machine entirely, or even BSOD.

[–] InfiniteSpaces 1 points 11 months ago (5 children)

Oh i should have been clearer sorry, sadly the instability in this case will be me, dialing in the optimal settings for renders in 3DSMax, often pushing it too hard, and can not be avoided, usually it will just bluescreen and I hit the reset button, sometimes though i have to force it from the power button, also forcing a cold boot. This has been a normal part of working with Max for me across all machines for a quarter century now, and is totally expected.

This is also why i was concerned about cold boots and asked the question here, and your answer leaves me wondering if its worth upgrading the RAM, since I dont fancy wating to reboot for 10mins.

Thanks for taking the time to explain it, though one would think this wouldnt be an issue anymore. I guess i will get the machine as is and then decide again after testing.

[–] InfiniteSpaces 1 points 11 months ago

Large amounts of RAM should not significantly impact boot times

Thanks this is all i needed to hear, my PC knowledge is kinda out of date sadly, i was a PC builder once many many years ago, just when they first became modular.

For my purposes on this machine then, i will assume the shop will just check all of the XMP stuff for me and make sure its setup correctly. I have already told them it will be for rendering, so i will assume they know what i need.

Thanks for answering!

[–] InfiniteSpaces 3 points 11 months ago (10 children)

Hey thanks for your reply, are you saying memory training is only related to overclocking?

As no, i dont intend to overlock the machine. I dont know much about PC building and had seen some videos with people talking about memory training, i just assumed it was a part of the build/boot process for all machines.

I guess my question really is then, does having a very large amount of RAM have a negative effect on boot times, and is there any variation in that depending on the type of boot, cold/soft etc.


Total that got cut of there was £3,309. Which to be fair given what it allows me to do now will mean it should pay for itself within a couple of years worst case.

Hey all, thanks for all your replies to my previous post about the beefy machine for test renders, i am delighted to say i have gone ahead and ordered the machine after switching the gpu to a 4080 super, and getting a slighty better power supply.

I have also decided to go ahead and double the RAM to 192GB while they are still builing it. But i am getting concerned about cold boots and memory training.

How often does memory training happen? Is it every cold boot? Every manual reset?

The machine will be crashing alot, its just the nature of pushing them hard, and i dont want to be stuck waiting with that horrible feeling of if it will ever even boot at all, the next time i push the render quality a little too high in 3DSMax.

Would greatly appreciate some feedback on this from someone with experience of machines that have alot of RAM.

[–] InfiniteSpaces 1 points 11 months ago

Haha thanks for the tip, i can totally imagine something like that happening to me, also 192gb will be great for large parcticle sims and such, and i did double check on your say so, also il definatley be checking it myself (it will go through some weeks of benchmarking before i finally use it properly) but OverClockers UK are really good at these type of machines and i'm hoping they will do all the checks for me. While i know i could build myself, the machine is too important to me and i would likely nervous my in to messing up the build somehow, better to let the pros handle it. Thanks again for the info, much appreciated.


So, my budget is 3KGBP, my use case is i do 3d modelling work (have done for 25years now), and would like a better machine that i can do (light) GPU render tests on. It will likely also do short (few days) runs of CPU rendering too.

Naturally, no amount of horsepower or RAM is ever really enough for 3D rendering, but this is the best config i could come up with within my budget.

As far as gaming goes, since i only turned to that recently (more and more as i get older it looks like), i only own 3 games: KSP2, Cities Skylines II, and X4 Foundations (so far), but its not a primary concern for this machine, just a nice-to-have.

Now i know, i am about to be told i sould go with AMD, perhaps the 7900 X3D?

Main reason im going with intel is i sometimes use older windows software, which i have had issues with AMD (mostly very niche 3DSMax Plugin stuff), but that was some time ago now, but i am very fearful of that.

I wont be overclocking it, as i need it to be stable, and will likely be doubling that 96GB of RAM in a couple of months, and no, it still wont be enough :(

I would be greatful for any advice, especially on the AMD side of things.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by InfiniteSpaces to c/digitalart
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by InfiniteSpaces to c/digitalart
submitted 2 years ago by InfiniteSpaces to c/digitalart
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