this post was submitted on 17 Jan 2025
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I'm working on a few games right now, but I have a 4-month old and very limited time.
I'm in the middle of the Pokemon Scarlet DLC, and what to finish that up
I've started a new farm in Stardew Valley because it's really easy to play for 5 or 10 minutes and then put down. I haven't played yet with 1.6, so I'm excited to see what's new.
I've also started gathering the supplies to start a new build in Minecraft, which I really want to make some progress on
Switch (or any handheld) is great for when you have a baby, you can take it with you, and play in small bursts, with just putting it to sleep whenever you have to put it down on a moment's notice.
I have been meaning to start Stardew Valley again too, haven't played it since it was released on Switch, and there has been tons of updates since then.