this post was submitted on 17 Jan 2025
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Because the past few years were good, no complicity in genocide or anything.
Edit: you are free to downvote but you can’t hate Arabs and Muslims and at the same time expect them to vote for you. At least conservatives are honest about being hateful.
So you'd rather vote for the people who want to actively kill you, instead of the ones that mostly just ignore your problems? That's just fucking stupid.
You claim Biden/Harris were NOT" people who want to actively kill you". But the shipping of weapons and coverage for war crimes in the UN proves you're just living in a fantasy world. You need to be serious about this stuff and acknowledge the truths of what they did.
Have a look at the American political landscape. If you can't understand the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans when it comes to the topic of Israel/Palestine, then you have no business commenting on it.
Sounds like you think everyone who disagrees with you "cant understand". You must be fun at parties.
Where did they say they voted Republican?
Democrats didn't "ignore" the genocide, they funded it and enabled it
Democrats don't like it when you tell them that Biden will only be remembered as the person who enabled the Palestinian genocide. But it's true.
They even dehumanize and demonize Palestinians just to justify their support for Biden. Tribal mentality at its finest.
I am quickly learning that I should keep my distance and not engage. People who deny things that are clear as day are either lying or choose to be willfully ignorant.
Are you one of trumpsters, that didn't understood, that Trump will be worse to Palestinians? God I'm tired of hearing this shit...
No, Green Party. I voted for Jill Stein.
In which case you've indirectly given Trump a higher chance of winning (sorry...). I'm also voting green here in Europe, but there's a slight difference with the electoral system. In the USA, I would've had to vote for the democrats, not because I really support their ideas, but because they're the only party that has a realistic chance of winning apart from the drumpsters. It's the sad reality. I hope USA at some point changes their voting system to be more democratic, but right now it's choosing between the lesser evils...
So, the argument you have is that voting doesn't matter individually, only in aggregate. I don't buy that, but even if I did, I live in a blue state. My state would've gone to Harris no matter who I voted for.
Ok, that's actually a reason I accept.
Not entirely. In democracies that e.g. use coalitions to get the majority, like a lot of european democracies, this absolutely makes a difference. But the USA just naturally leans towards this 2-party system. Which btw. degrades the "democratic" aspect quite significantly (i.e. USA is quite low on the democratic index compared to e.g. Norway).
Big part of the difference being that people actuslly vote for third candidates lmao
If everyone would sync up and vote together for a different party, it would make a (big) difference. But hey let's be realistic... I'm extremely idealistic and take every opportunity to change this fucked up system/world to the better. But still I'm living too long on this planet to not be realistic and just see, that there's unfortunately way less people really wanting to change this system apparently, or rather(?) not seeing what could be done when working together (it's not even that many people even to make a significant change when e.g. protesting), but it's this: "working together" where we're just failing bad, the world is too scattered to see this, and instead further and further falls for the technofeudal (increasingly oligarchic) system that builds and abuses on emotions (mostly anxiety)...
So instead a lot of people vote for whatever candidate sugar-coats and bleats (and lies) the loudest - sadly.