this post was submitted on 17 Jan 2025
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Big part of the difference being that people actuslly vote for third candidates lmao
If everyone would sync up and vote together for a different party, it would make a (big) difference. But hey let's be realistic... I'm extremely idealistic and take every opportunity to change this fucked up system/world to the better. But still I'm living too long on this planet to not be realistic and just see, that there's unfortunately way less people really wanting to change this system apparently, or rather(?) not seeing what could be done when working together (it's not even that many people even to make a significant change when e.g. protesting), but it's this: "working together" where we're just failing bad, the world is too scattered to see this, and instead further and further falls for the technofeudal (increasingly oligarchic) system that builds and abuses on emotions (mostly anxiety)...
So instead a lot of people vote for whatever candidate sugar-coats and bleats (and lies) the loudest - sadly.