Cosmic Horror
A community to discuss Cosmic Horror in it's many forms; books, films, comics, art, TV, music, RPGs, video games etc.
"cosmic horror... is a subgenre of horror fiction and weird fiction that emphasizes the horror of the unknowable and incomprehensible more than gore or other elements of shock... themes of cosmic dread, forbidden and dangerous knowledge, madness, non-human influences on humanity, religion and superstition, fate and inevitability, and the risks associated with scientific discoveries... the sense that ordinary life is a thin shell over a reality that is so alien and abstract in comparison that merely contemplating it would damage the sanity of the ordinary person, insignificance and powerlessness at the cosmic scale..."
- Wikipedia
For more Lovecraft & Mythos-inspired Cosmic Horror:-[email protected]
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We thank you, oh Monolith, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us.. May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will.. Onward warriors of the Monolith! Avenge your fallen brothers, blessed as they are in their eternal union with the Monolith!