Most pregnant women and unborn babies who contract bird flu will die, study finds
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Only the future knows.
Hindsight is always 20-20, I don't think it was malicious for us to require masks and such when we hadn't dealt with a pandemic like COVID for literal decades.
Coordination between agencies internationally helped somewhat, masks helped somewhat, distancing helped somewhat. The sum of these contributions is what helped blunt the initial deadly edge of COVID-19.
We know more now. Let's do our best and keep friends and family safe.
Requiring masks was the right thing for covid...
I agree. I'm going to reword what I'm saying a little, thanks.
It was only the old and those with existing conditions at risk denying the liberty of the majority who where not at risk is a little extreme. Security at the cost of liberty is tyrany. Why sacrifice the liberty of the 99% for the security of the 1%.
There's an old saying, "one judges the merit of a society not by how it treats its strongest, but by how it treats its weakest".
What do you think?
That thats a complete load of shit. Darwinian evolution foes bot favour those who favour the weak.
We can be more than our basic nature. With that simplistic reduction of individual people's value comes a question, why even work on healthcare problems?
Do you contribute to society? And you have no health problems at all, and never will?
U answered ur own question. We work on healthcare problems so more people can contribute to society. The old where at risk the old are a drain on society.
What in the world? I think you'll need to reread your own comments, there appears to be confusion on what you're saying, from you.