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I know a friend who loves Super Robot Wars, haven't gotten around to play it myself though. How are you enjoying it?
If you have any interest in giant robot media, or tokusatsu stuff, or enjoy tactical RPGs with tons and tons of characters, it's the game for you. I'm really enjoying SRW V, but I'm not sure it's the best place to start with, given how many of it's mecha crossovers start at their "late stage" and kinda assume you're familiar with the source material. I'm pretty familiar with the Gundams but some of the other shows I was a bit lost about, such as Nadesico and Fullmetal Panic. Then again, V is one of the most popular recent games. Every game in the franchise is independent from one another, though, and they all explain all the basics you need to understand the plot. Just pick the one with the robots/shows you think are the coolest.
I have interest in 'giant robot media', but the only one I have ever watched is Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan, don't know anything about any other one. It is on my list to properly get into it one day.
Quick FYI that SRWX includes that series. 🙂
Ah right so THAT'S why X was on my to-play list. I keep forgetting what's on which game.
The Akurasu Wiki is a good reference for SRW info, including series list.
Ah, cool!