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Don't other neighbors mind the bells? Also, where are you from (what country)? There might be legal options to.pursue. Finally, the church is a hierarchy - you might want to go higher up so to speak and write or call a bishop for example.
No legal options... the church bells don't count as "Lärm" (Noise Pollution) here.
Tried everything. The neighbours love it and missed the bells. They are all older than 80+... Only one other neighbor has the same opinion as I do and is annoyed.
Sometimes I wish it would just burn down randomly.
I don't wanna hijack this thread to make it political, but I find it insane how sk many people are opposed to the "noise" of mosques, but then don't mind the constant ringing of bells.
I've also lived near a church in Germany for some time and it rang every 15 minutes. Granted I wasn't bothered as much as you are, but it is still really annoying and I can totally understand your point.
I think religious sites should just not make any noise like this, whether it be a church or mosque.
Well, bells only ring shortly, the muezzin sings for a long time and sounds... not good, let's say.
Churches ring their bells for a long time too when calling for mass. or when there is a wedding, or any event like that. Whether it sounds good or not is in the ear of the beholder
Churches ring bells for just a few minutes when calling for mass. It’s never very long.
I guess I’d see your point if you lived near a tower that still did bell concerts, but i always loved that. A friend of mine had a chimesmaster connection to learn to play and I was so jealous! But if you didn’t appreciate it, those can easily stretch half an hour or much more
Yeah, 'randomly' ...
This is incorrect. Church bells are protected by the constitutional right to freedom of religion if they are used in a sacred function, say for a call to holy mass during a Christian holiday. Regular use, e.g. to indicate the time, isn't sacred and thus isn't protected.
So check your noise levels and if they exceed the ones given in that article you have a good chance of suing.