White House urging Democrats to reject progressive push to block arms transfers to Israel
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I get the sentiment but at least in my view Biden has had an overall reasonably productive term with the fatal flaw that he was trying to be "reasonable" with the GOP when he really shouldn't have been.
have you not been paying attention to all the headlines about actual meaningful anti trust action in this country? that's because of Joe Biden's cabinet.
the true power of the president is in appointments. in much the same way that trump is responsible for repealing roe because it was his supreme court justice picks, this is Joe Biden's doing. so if Google does indeed need to sell chrome, that's one thing he did.
really though, he's changed the course entirely on anti trust. these are the first meaningful anti trust cases since the 90s. it's actually a huge deal.
And how long after Trump takes office will Biden's anti-trust cabinet members be ousted and their decisions reversed?
And assuming they aren't, in what meaningful way does the average American benefit from Google, a multi-billion dollar corporation, being forced to sell one part of their business? You're going to say, "Well, innovation won't be hampered like it was with telecommunication under AT&T, and this is a step in the right direction!"
But Walmart hasn't been broken up, or Amazon who have their hands in every pot from online retail to internet infrastructure to server and cloud hosting to DoD contracts, or any of the other sectors that we've watched slip into monopolies and duopolies over the last couple decades.
If you asked the average American, would they even know who Kahn is? Or that the FTC is even going after Google for Chrome? And if they don't, why couldn't the Biden admin effectively communicate that?
Because they get money from the same donors, the same monopolies that they're "busting up."
Good thing Biden put Garland in the AG seat, couldn't have found a better neoliberal centrist to slow-walk criminal proceedings against a treasonous former president for attempting a coup on national television. Or is Garland not part of Biden's legacy because it's a bad part.
Biden failed his country, because he lives in a completely different one, and has his entire life. He's a career politician who helped enact a lot of the policies the DNC champions today despite their unpopularity and blatant failure rate (keep reaching across that aisle, Joe, I'm sure the GOP will be willing to compromise and act in good faith any day now).
And you know what the biggest indicator is that Biden, the DNC, and Harris, failed our country? They lost to fascism. If Americans saw meaningful progress over the past four years, and if the DNC is so much better than the GOP, why did they lose? Again.
i didn't say he was great and did everything we needed, I'm saying this isn't nothing. yes it could have been a lot more, but this is the first time we've seen anyone make even close to this much progress in decades. no other president has even mentioned antitrust in decades.
i think busting up major corporations and limiting their influence on people and politics is the single most important thing we need to be doing.
You must be forgetting the corporate infrastructure bill.
Biden is FDR 2.0!!!!!
Admittedly I don't remember most of his specific policies, but I'd say his support for labor (setting aside the rail workers strike; that was fucked up). The inflation reduction act also sounded important but I don't really understand what it did.