this post was submitted on 12 Nov 2024
327 points (93.1% liked)

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[–] goodthanks 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I understand where you're coming from, but I can also understand that someone who works full time but still has to use food vouchers to eat would take umbrage at being put in the same class category as you. I'm relatively comfortable, but precarious (and wouldn't last long without my job), but I'm not part of the working poor.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Oh I completely agree. And I don’t want any working poor stolen valor (for lack of a better term). I just think we won’t be able to fix these problems if we keep letting the owner class get away with dividing us up.

The way we pay for labor is unfair and the fact that I get a bigger paycheck is about 5% things I can control (skills, training, etc) and 95% blind luck (if I was born in 1890 or 2190 my ability to write erlang wouldn’t be nearly as marketable. In the 1390s my annoying fastidiousness and desire to work purely in theory would have me a pauper)

It’s that old meme though of the worker with a cookie, the immigrant with a crumb, and the wealthy guy with an immense pile telling the worker to watch out for the immigrant. It’s the same playbook for the working class, just add a third guy with 2 cookies and the wealthy guy is telling you “he’s also not on your side because he has 2 whole cookies, don’t band together to take any of mine”

If the working class could achieve class consciousness and start demanding their fair share, we could actually fix some of our problems. So I hope my brothers and sisters and non-binary siblings in the working class can embrace me and each other in solidarity and fight for a better tomorrow.