this post was submitted on 11 Nov 2024
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I just sent this to Biden & Harris via the White House contact page I share in case you would like to add your voice and may find it helpful to have a pre-existing template to use or edit. Please feel free to share with others as you see fit.

Best, Atelopus-zeteki

I would like to add my voice in the call for a recount of the 2024 presidential election. I would also like to ask that you conduct a full investigation into tampering, interference, and fraud for this election.

· 32 bomb threats were called into democratic leaning polling places in swing states, causing them to be closed for extended periods of time on Election Day.

· At least one bomb threat was called into a vote counting center.

· Polling locations were closed while voters were still in line to vote.

· Multiple Ballot drop boxes were set on fire, in democratic leaning areas, losing thousands of ballots.

· Many voters reported not receiving mail in ballots, while districts apparently had not sent thousands of them.

· Hundreds of people in swing states are reporting that their votes have not been counted or even have never been received, though they were dropped off/mailed on time

· Some voters also reported instances of their outgoing mail not being picked up after placing their ballot in their mailbox.

· Voters also reported having their ballots invalidated for reasons such as invalid signatures, and given no chance to fix it.

We cannot allow election interference. Please order a recount as soon as possible.

The American people do not trust the results of this election. The people are concerned that there is outside interference – from foreign governments and from private corporations at least – in our election. We are concerned that this was not a free and fair election. We are concerned that we are being lied to and a dictator is trying to take over our government. I am begging you to do everything in your power to stop this from taking place. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this matter.

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Will they exist in 2028? To me this is a bigger question that no one else seems to want to answer.

orange voldemort is already constitutionally ineligible to run for re-election but has expressed interest in running for a third time. Has anyone heard any plans about what may be afoot here to enable him?

My worst fears have been realized. Republicans have taken control of the House. There are now no safeguards.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

My prediction is that there will be a Turkey style election. Elections will be biased in favor of the republican candidate. If the vote count is close in a swing state, the supreme court will find a way to make the electoral votes go towards the republican candidate. But if there is a landslide democratic win, I believe republicans wouldn't be able to do much. And hopefully the military will recognize the democratic candidate as the next president, like they did in 2020 with Biden.

Maybe I'm in denial, but I don't see the US get worse than Turkey. The US also has federalism, meaning the federal government cant exactly do anything they feel like. State governments can resist, if they have the will to.