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He even was popular early on in AEW with everyone singing his theme. I mean EVERYONE.
Then he came out with "A little bit of the bubbley" and sold it himself.
Then he came out as a trump supporter. And replied to a tweet bashing him for supporting trump. He then responded that all sales from a little bit of the bubbley were going towards financing trumps 2020 run.
Notice how in the arenas only half the people were singing his song? And chanting for him to retire the past 2 years?
Jericho was my favorite wrestler when I stopped watching back around 2003. I checked him out recently and holy hell, what the fuck happened to him? He is disaster, and cringe as hell now that he's so old and still doing the same kinda silly stuff
Just addressing the wrestling aspect: He kept reinventing himself (successfully) every few years in WWE and then AEW (with some NJPW in the middle), but right now he's on almost every fucking episode of AEW consistently for the last few years it seems.
Right now a lot of fans are tired of him and Jericho is aware, has acknowledged it tongue-in-cheek on screen, and developed his current character to lean into that fact instead of taking a break.
He's pulling an x PAC I guess. I was rewatching the attitude era recently and around 2000 you can tell fans are sick of xpac and his unexplainable, constant pushes. People started with xpac sucks chants then went to angry boos, and then settled on indifference and people getting up to go to the washroom during his matches.
Xpac was mid card at best, but kept getting tossed into main events with the Rock, triple h, angle, etc. Matches he had no business being in but was there cause he was the kliq's little pet
Also, Jericho is kinda starting to remind me of Hogan. The old guy who is hogging air time, despite fans being sick of his shit, and refusing to go away or give up the spotlight. Which is funny cause that's the kind of old wrestlers that Jericho used to complain about in wcw, now he's that guy
The sole differences (with the rest being accurate lol) being that Jericho is at least sharing the spotlight. He may be hogging the tv time but he's also giving Bryan Keith and Cass some things to do and they've been solo showcased several times while being part of this storyline/with Jericho. That and Jericho isn't forcing himself into the main event/title picture.
He desperately wants his TV time and doesn't wanna go away but he could be worse. We could have an announcement for Jericho vs Mox next week for the title lmao.
Yeah I think the comparison between Jericho & Hogan/X-Pac isn't quite right. As you note, rather than being an old passed it being pushed as the main event, he's an old passed it being pushed as a feature mid-carder. He's definitely not my cup of tea and he's on TV more than I would care for but it could be a lot worse.