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- for official forums, patch notes, blogs, and more
The official Destiny 2 Companion app for both iOS and Android
D2 Checklist to track weekly content
-, a database of weapons and items
Destiny Item Manager to manage your vault and inventory
Destiny 2 Armor Picker to manage armor and stats
Destiny Tracker to track player stats
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Datto for guides, general and PvE-focused gameplay, and discussion
My name is Byf for in-depth lore videos
CoolGuy for in-depth weapon and armor reviews
Aztecross for general gameplay, builds, and more
ninjy for weapon damage testing
Other Lemmy Destiny Communities:
Destiny 2 Builds for character builds
LowSodiumDestiny for a salt-free Destiny community
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Can you explain how you modulate difficulty? And is the aquarium plants in every dive or is it a random spawn? This is one of the challenges of leaving Reddit, all this communal knowledge gets more fragmented.
The collectable plants are always there, it just depends on how deep you go. Here's a video showing all of them.
I'd like to focus on gathering stuff like that to post here just to archive it all. As more people join Lemmy and this community, more and more will post stuff as we're used to from Reddit. It'll just take some time.
On each encounter of a deep dive, there's a hidden Toland-like ball of light. If you find it and every member of your fireteam interacts with it, it will trigger a "pressure trial". This spawns either taken blights that need to be destroyed or glowing circles that need to be stood in. If you do this fast enough, then an extra wave of enemies/boss spawns at the end of the encounter.
Completing an encounter with a pressure trial raises your reward tier by 2 instead of by 1, so you can get better rewards.
So in this way you can opt in to making a deep dive harder to get better rewards.