this post was submitted on 10 Oct 2024
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“It’s become really convenient to pick on [Marvel films],” Sebastian Stan said. “And that’s fine. Everyone’s got an opinion. But they’re a big part of what contributes to this business and allows us to have smaller movies as well. This is an artery traveling through the system of this entire machinery that’s Hollywood. It feeds in so many more ways than people acknowledge.”

“Sometimes I get protective of it because the intention is really fucking good,” Stan added at the time. “It’s just fucking hard to make a good movie over and over again.”

Stan’s Bucky/Winter Soldier will be front and center in next year’s Marvel tentpole “Thunderbolts,” and he hopes the character stays around long enough to meet Robert Downey Jr.’s Doctor Doom on the big screen.

“I hope I’m in a scene with him,” Stan says. “Is there any other guy that could pull that off? I don’t know, probably not. After ‘Tropic Thunder,’ is there anything that guy can’t do?”

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[–] Sarmyth 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The more well known something is, the more criticism it will receive. Also with movie prices going up and Disney reminding everyone each year how little they care about fans, it's not a surprise people have cooled on their decade old properties.

They are also spending more to make objectively less exciting projects. When the first Avengers movies were coming out it was impressive how well they brought comics to life. It's not impressive any more with so many examples, so they aren't pushing the bounds of expectations anymore. They have to wow people now with writing and performances.

I think the decision makers are also making more diversity choices (in the wrong way) and have the PR teams talk too much about how proud they are of their DEI choices instead of how they like the movie they made.

Black Nick Fury is best Nick Fury. Black Panther was incredibly well received. I felt like Moonknoght was better received than I was expecting. Miles Morales was a very popular Spiderman iteration. So I don't think it's just racism.

They just need to acknowledge who's actually buying tickets. It sometimes feels like the same complaints people make about the WNBA not making a bunch of money.

[–] AA5B 5 points 3 months ago

They are also spending more to make objectively less exciting projects

Most criticism I’ve seen of Marvel is vs their previous stuff. They really set a high bar for excitement. Even though they haven’t been trying for the same sort of excitement, that’s what audiences have to compare with

I do like what they’ve done with some of their short series stuff.

But my favorites since the big blockbusters have been Ms Marvel and Moon Night. Ms Marvel was a really compelling story with the cultural connection, teen angst, discovering and growing into powers, but unfortunately I don’t see how you continue that formula. On the other hand, Moon Night seems open ended - I want more