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Anticommunist keyboard warrior offer enough specificity to be debatable. challenge level: impossible
Yep. That particular troll specifically. I've straight up asked what the name of this fictional country is. They won't answer.
What makes you call this fiction? It's a well documented modus operandi for parts of the Soviet Union to take one example.
I'm calling their backstory fictional, not the historical facts. I don't believe that account is anything but a troll because of numerous interactions I've had with them, and even more they've had with others.
They're so bad at it, I noticed their account prior to it being 30 days old, and I don't really notice most users names, unless they are prolific like Stamets, Flying Squid, or kahoulanik or whatever that blue mess of a name is.
You’re from Central America and you grew up under communism? Please tell us about the horrors of communism you endured.
@[email protected]
Fidel taught my dad's slaves how to read. Please bring democracy
Oh boy. Read a history book. One about people who aren't white
You sure you didn’t grow up in an autocratic system?