this post was submitted on 22 Aug 2024
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Chevron 7
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You remember Anise/Freya the Tokra, played by Vanessa Angel? Yeah, she's in the show basically as an answer to Seven of Nine.
I honestly don’t, but if that in sg-1 ima need to rewatch it, as it’s been a hot minute..
Been rewatching xena for the xena/gabriel relationship undertones, which Lucy lawless only admitted to grocking upon post-film rewatch, even tho there’s so so so so much that should have clued her in… why not sg-1 for a hot chick I guess..?
I like 7 because she’s an autist-coded character, like data. Is this freya like that?
Anise/Freya is a Tokra so she's actually two characters but in this case it doesn't matter much. She guest stars in 3 or 4 episodes in the middle seasons, and in almost all cases she shows up with an experiment that she's being a little too ambitious about and has a major oops moment.