I have hobbies, but nothing is fun. It's like being in a hospital, you do things to pass the time.
A sad place for sad people to be sad.
Have fun!
This community is for people with depression. Memes and general discussion about depression are encouraged and welcome.
Bi-polar people are also allowed to post here but only sometimes.(joke)
This community is aimed at being inclusive for all people with depression and as such should be free of racism, homophobia, trans-phobia, sexism, patriarch and all other forms of hate-speech.
Trolls will be banned!
Some resources posted from helpful people:
Therapy is not for everyone, check out peer counseling instead: https://www.americanmentalwellness.org/intervention/peer-support/
Find health professionals: https://www.psychologytoday.com
One thing I've noticed is that some things are still fun but for some reason I don't want to do them. In my case, these are usually things that involve being with friends or family. I feel like I want to be alone, but when I'm alone I'm unhappy. If someone pushes me to be social, I do end up enjoying it but then afterwards I still feel like I want to be alone, and when I'm alone I'm still unhappy.
Something similar but less dramatic happens when I read a book, watch a movie, work on a project, or do anything else that requires hours of focus. I don't want to do it, I enjoy it if I do, but then I don't want to do it again.