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The most fucked up scene is the murder of the guy in the gay club at the beginning of Gaspar Noe's Irreversible The camera work and the shot of the head turning to mush meant it was the only time I've ever had to pause a scene and take a breath. A Serbian Film and Salo are awful but none of these are horror movies despite being horrific. Martyrs is great as is Red, White and Blue. I'd personally go with Slaughtered Vomit Dolls or Philosophy of a Knife for straight up fucked up.
On a separate note, JF Gonzalez' book 'Survivor' was one of the most horrific books I ever read, with a few really heinous passages.
A Serbian Films is definitely a movie I wish I never watched. It's just one of the worst film in terms of content around, It should be banned everywhere..
Banned because it’s so horrifying? I’ve always heard it brought up when mentioning over-the-horrific, but I can’t imagine it’s really as bad as all that. I’ve seen videos discussing it. So I’ve heard a few of the “high” (low) points, but none of them really sound…as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
Ehm.. Movies that includes necrophilia and pedophilia is not something that should be allowed.. That's why I'm saying it should be banned.. I'm not going to go into details. If you're interested in learning more about it I'll leave it at that.
Taken individually, the set pieces in Serbian Film don't sound that awful (apart from what you mentioned), but as a whole in one sitting, it builds and slowly crushes you. The climax of the movie is simply too much. "Bleak" doesn't even begin to describe it.