This Canadian sitcom was hastily assembled in 1970 to comply with upcoming Canadian content requirements and had an extremely limited budget for both time and money. 130 episodes of the series were produced, requiring scripts to be recycled from 1940s radio dramas, line mistakes to be kept in the finished product due to time and money constraints, and virtually the entire series shot from one small living-room set. As a result of the poor-quality end product, the series is often considered one of the worst of all time.
I posted this on nostalgia a few weeks back and got dogpiled, so fuck it....
Lemmy sometimes wants to be reddit.
Why did you get dogpiled over it? People were big fans or something? It's just objectively terrible. The laugh track only comes in half-way through in the first episode.
Why is a mystery.
If the first "vote" is down, there's often no recovery: the lemmings lemming.
That's just not true. The first *vote can often be an early indication of what the general consensus is, but it absolutely doesn't always skew that way.
This comment currently has a single downvote, which leads to a strange situation. If I upvote it, it becomes more true, and thus more worthy of an upvote. But if I downvote it, it becomes less true and therefore more deserving of a downvote.
Agreed. This just happened to me. Someone responded asking why it was being downvoted and suddenly tons of upvotes.
Edit: Damn, that's a lot of upvotes for a stupid joke.
I would be curious to see some actual data on how often this is the case. Which would be somewhat challenging to research since it would require separating the truly unpopular posts from the bandwagon effect posts. Sure, you can just look at early momentum, but that will be just as much a measure of how much divisive content is posted.