this post was submitted on 02 Jul 2024
19 points (78.8% liked)


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Welcome to c/[email protected]. Broadly, this community is a place to discuss veganism. Discussion on intersectional topics related to the animal rights movement are also encouraged.

What is Veganism?

'Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals ...'

- abridged definition from The Vegan Society


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  1. Discrimination is not tolerated. This includes speciesism.
  2. Topics not relating to veganism are subjected to removal.
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    • pictures of text require alt-text;
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Resources on Veganism

A compilation of many vegan resources/sites in a google spreadsheet:

Here are some documentaries that are recommended to watch if planning to or have recently become vegan:

Vegan Fediverse



Other Vegan Communities

General Vegan Comms

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Circlejerk Comms

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Vegan Food / Cooking

[email protected]

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founded 1 year ago

Please share recommendations for books, blogs, receipts or experiences when expecting as vegans. We're at the begin of this journey and struggle a litte to find help in typical literature. Thank you!

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Thank you, this is very helpful and reassuring. We're at week 6 presumably. I've read a book which for pregnancy is helpful, but felt a little judgemenal about living vegan.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Well her three kids are all great! Her first pregnancy went complication free, twins needed a c section because umbilical tangles. All healthy as, super sweet, and the eldest is extremely articulate and agreeable for a 2 year old. I don't usually like kids under 5ish but I'll hang out with them any day, very low stress relatively!

She did find some people were judgey, but surpringly not the healthcare people. They mostly seemed happy at her not being an antivax weirdo and keeping active!

Best of luck!