this post was submitted on 27 Jun 2024
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Hong Kong officials have singled out at least two schools for singing the Chinese national anthem "too softly".

Teachers at a third school have been asked to help students "cultivate habit and confidence" in singing it. 

Hong Kong has redoubled the emphasis on "patriotic" education since 2020 when China cracked down on the city's pro-democracy movement. 

Officials said students' voices at the Hong Kong and Macau Lutheran Church Primary School were "soft and weak" and "should be strengthened". At Yan Chai Hospital Lim Por Yen Secondary School, teachers were told to "help students develop the habit of singing the national anthem loudly in unison".

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

High, high chance they wouldn't have been encouraging. Reasons include their personal political beliefs and the fact they tend to care more about parent reactions than students, because guess which group they're on equal footing with?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I swear to Charles Darwin himself, they will get so much more reaction out of me if they try to force my kids recite that bullshit. (They currently stand there silently)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Sure, but I assume in some places parents (plural) will raise a stink about a kid that's not theirs being allowed to not say it in the same room as their own spawn. Dangerous ideas, right? I encourage you to start shit if they make you, though.

I should clarify I'm Canadian, so this specific issue hasn't come up, but I've seen similar things. For example, my local division has a policy, on paper, that pride flags should be flown in schools, but they often aren't because the staff don't like angry mobs.