this post was submitted on 26 Jun 2024
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‘THE FANTASTIC FOUR’ take place during the 60s in an alternate universe, confirms Kevin Feige.

Kevin Feige says he's most excited for 'THE FANTASTIC FOUR' and the upcoming 'AVENGERS' films out of all of the upcoming MCU projects.

Kevin Feige has seemingly confirmed that ‘THE FANTASTIC FOUR’ will take place in an alternate universe: “There was a cityscape in the corner [of the Johnny Storm poster], and there were a lot of smart people who noticed that cityscape didn’t look exactly like [our] New York … those are smart observations I will say.”

Kevin Feige shares that 'THE FANTASTIC FOUR' will start filming on July 29, right after San Diego Comic Con.

He also talked about Wonder Man.

Brad Winderbaum will be on ‘THE OFFICIAL MARVEL PODCAST’ next week to talk about the upcoming Marvel Television slate.

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[–] Sanctus 1 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Really didn't expect to see another avengers title so soon. Feel like this multiverse situation should have led to Battleworld.

[–] joneskind 1 points 7 months ago

I didn’t expect a new Avengers movie either. I wonder who will be the protagonists though, and I hope they’ll put an end to that multiverse BS too.

[–] Hawanja 0 points 7 months ago

Well it's been nearly 5 years since endgame, so it's about on track.