this post was submitted on 25 Jun 2024
205 points (96.4% liked)

Mildly Interesting

16415 readers
467 users here now

This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.

This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?

Just post some stuff and don't spam.

founded 1 year ago

Image on left is from 4 days ago, but the pimple was slowly forming over around 2 weeks.

The goop was sticky, not oily. Earphones are Panasonic RP-TCM130.

I was not able to find an explanation.
Something to increase cable lifespan, lubrication, rubber disintegrating, sweat and earwax that somehow got into the cable, dielectric grease, SCP-1407, no clear answer.

At first I thought the wires just somehow twisted. Nope.

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[–] Lost_My_Mind 18 points 2 days ago (12 children)
[–] A_Union_of_Kobolds 30 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Secure Contain Protect

SCP is a collaborative wiki fiction edited and written by lots of people for years now. It started as kind of a novelty, a fake wiki of heavily redacted files relating to an organization's attempts to contain cryptids and various weird things. Its evolved over time and has numerous narrative arcs etc now.

[–] Lost_My_Mind 29 points 2 days ago (3 children) this what you guys were doing during covid quarantine? I just....played animal crossing.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 days ago

It’s actually a pretty old Internet Internet project!

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