this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
41 points (88.7% liked)

Mildly Interesting

16415 readers
686 users here now

This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.

This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?

Just post some stuff and don't spam.

founded 1 year ago

The first photo is a picture from 2013, the second is one from 2020, and the third is one I got today (2024).

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[–] XeroxCool 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Why change for the sake of change? Because marketing analytics says they need to be the face of new-new. Why risk breaking automation? Because that's a you-problem. Google does not care about you, the user. They want you, the ad target. Things break all the time for meaningless changes

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

But that's my point. They didn't change. In decades. Did your even read the OP?

[–] XeroxCool 3 points 3 days ago

Yeah, that's why it's mildlyinteresting. The general trend is change for the sake of change. This one didn't.