this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2024
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The polls are not good for the Liberals β€” in fact, they're struggling to overcome the 15 to 20-point gap that separates them from the Conservatives. But those close to the prime minister like to point out that their leader is used to being underestimated and performs well under pressure.

But in the halls of Parliament, many Liberals are worried.

"Several MPs from the Greater Toronto Area are afraid of losing their seats," one Ontario elected official said. The official requested confidentiality to speak more freely.

"We would be better off changing leaders for the good of our country," one Liberal MP said, adding that he has a lot of respect for Trudeau and what he has accomplished.

He fears, however, that Trudeau's unpopularity will act as a drag on his party. The MP added that public weariness with Trudeau's leadership has reached a point of no return.

"If he doesn't leave on his own, I will be disappointed."

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I don't understand how people get these ideas, except that they live on a diet of propaganda. Conservatives never help anyone except themselves.