Pixel Dungeon
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Unfortunately there currently isn't a way to do this without either root access or Google Play services. Previously ADB backup could be used, but Google had killled that tool.
I worry about allowing manual export/import as it would make it really easy for players to cheat by downloading rankings data/badges, but I do also realize that no way to directly transfer data is a pretty big problem atm.
Hi 00-Evan, thank you for your time to answer this question. When I look to all other advantages of your game, it's not a real big problem. Respecting privacy is more important to me, than transferring badges for example.
btw evan i saw that there is a "files" directory in /sdcard/Android/data/com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon but is empty compared to /data/data/com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon is that on purpose? also cheating is still pretty easy(by modifying game.dat) if that is what you are trying to prevent
I think so. In fact, the location of the archive can be accessed without root by modifying the archive directory before compilation. In fact, as a single player game, the discussion of cheating has no outcome. But it doesn't necessarily require pursuing victory, making all gamers enjoy it is the most important thing
It shouldn't be possible to access or modify any of the game's internal files unless you have root, at which point it's silly for me to try and prevent cheating. Shattered shouldn't store any of its save data in user storage or sdcard.