this post was submitted on 14 Jun 2024
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[โ€“] Thrashy 28 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The average American house on a basement will have something like 40 m^3 of concrete in its foundation. If all of it could be utilized, that's still ~12kWhr of storage capacity. Nothing to be sneezed at.

[โ€“] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

That doesn't seem worth it when you can fit that amount of storage in about 20 L with lithium ion cells (think a small PC case), or something like 40 L if you used sodium ion cells, which are looking like a new alternative.

Concrete offgassing of CO2 is already a big contributor to greenhouse gasses, so I can't imagine this battery version is improving things there. You'd probably have to wire your whole basement with electrodes to even access the stored energy.