this post was submitted on 09 Jun 2024
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[–] Weirdfish 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I used to call it the Zelda machine, but now that factorio is on Switch, I guess that isnt quite true any more.

I go between PS4 and a switch pro control often, and it's not that they all use the letters / symbols for different buttons, it's that Xbox and Sony agree what button position is used for what as default, enter, back, etc.

Nintendo breaks that symmetry, and put the enter button on A, so when I go to watch a movie on playstation I'm constantly exiting the menu because that position is O, the back button for Playstation.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Factorio is crazy optimized, but how well does it run on the Switch? It's such an underpowered machine. I'm sure it's fine early on, but massive factories can get slow even on the best PCs.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Factorio runs great on my 2009 Windows 7 machine on a Phenom II. I'd think the switch can handle. But then Mario Cart 8 also runs fine in Dolphin on that old clunker.

[–] Weirdfish 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I've never played it on anything else so it's hard to judge.

Only got it a month ago, and have only beaten the basic game once so far, though I've made what feel to me giant bases.

Haven't noticed any slow down aside from when autosave is happening. Haven't made the kind of monstrosities I've seen on youtube so I don't know where the limits are.

As someone who has wanted to play it for ages I'm having a great time with it.

Reminds me of Kerbal Space Program on PS4, the controls are very complex for a controller, but they did a great job using multiple button shift functions to map a hell of a lot to the inputs available.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I forgot to get back to you. Two days later is better than never I guess.

There's hidden settings in Factorio if you hold down ctrl+alt while clicking the settings button in the menu. There will be a box called "The Rest" which contains more settings. One of these is for non-blocking saves on Linux/Mac at least. It allows your game to save without freezing. I have no idea if it works on the Switch or how you'd get to it without a keyboard, but I think there's a way. I know it doesn't work on Windows, but no one ever mentions the Switch, only that it work on Linux and Mac and not Windows.