this post was submitted on 03 Jun 2024
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Been finding some good deals on 2.5 disks lately, but have never bought one before. Have a couple of 3.5 disks on the other hand in my Unraid server. Wondering how much it matters wether I get a 2.5 or not? What form factor do you prefer/usually go for?

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[–] Paragone -1 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)


Also, the vibration produced by the 2.5" drives is less, but they're more-sensitive to it, to begin with.

I'd not even consider spinning-platter drives, nowadays, though:

SATA SSD's for a NAS strike me as being the sanest choice.

Samsung what are those called, Evo drives?

excellently-high MTBF, ultra-short ( compared with rotating-platters ) seek-time ( literally orders-of-magnitude quicker ), etc.

I don't know of ANY reason to go with spinning-platters, nowadays.

( & I'm saying that as a guy stupid-enough to have not realized this in time, & who spent money on such a thing, when SSD's really were the answer )

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Cost? I bought 3x 8TB Ironwolf drives for £115. That'd cost about £1.5k in SSDs.

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