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So Trump supporters aren’t allowed freedom?
Freedom to what?
They can’t even express themselves with some mild felonies without the threat of jail.
This isn’t the America I grew up in.
I want the freedom to break into people's houses. I mean it's only a mild felony I shouldn't have to go to jail for that.
This is how you sound.
He can't be serious, can he?
Take a look at their history. I'm pretty sure they are quite serious.
The OP of that comment is a prolific shitposter. True to the craft. Definitely not some rightoid.
I responded to that an hour ago.
Sorry, but freedom to what? They keep yelling about removing freedoms from other people so they can enlarge the freedoms they already have into the comfort of dominance so they never find themselves mentally challenged by the empathy required to understand other people's desire to also be free.
Nobody is saying Trump supporters should be jailed, lose their jobs, be denied medical services, not be allowed to use common public amenities, be ejected from municipal councils while following the rules required to allow those government bodies require to function and nobody is mass shooting gatherings of Trump supporters... But those are all things Trump supporters have called to do or have done to other groups of people. Trump supporters have only met the personal resistance of people civilly disagreeing with their political views, something entirely mundane and to be expected in a free society where people are allowed to have unique political opinions. So how exactly are Trump supporters not free?
And I am sorry but commiting crimes already on the books as crimes don't count.