this post was submitted on 31 May 2024
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[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Nah, that character arc was a straight line.

[–] themeatbridge 5 points 7 months ago (1 children)

If you know the character, you expect it.

If you know what the Darkhold is, you understand what's happening in that cabin.

But at the end of Westview, Wanda makes a heroic sacrifice. She's unwilling to keep a town enslaved to keep her family. She has to let go of her husband and her children to do the right thing.

Smash cut to MoM five minutes later, and she's murdering Doctor Strange, trying to murder America Chavez for her reality hopping power, and planning to murder her variant in another universe. It's not quite Anakin cutting down younglings, but it was unexpected based on what we actually see in the show and the movie.

WandaVision did a great job with her pathos and conflict. Multiverse of Madness skipped over the rest of her descent into the literal multiverse of madness. Sure, it's a straight line if you extrapolate all the interesting things that happened off screen. But that's the movie I wanted to see. Evil Scarlet Witch is just another generic villain with no redeeming qualities.

Imagine a version of that movie where Wanda starts as an actual ally, influenced by the Darkhold but still reeling from what she did, and what she lost, in Westview. She meets Chavez and realizes what she can reclaim. She reluctantly turns on the sorcerers of Kamar Taj, and then we see, rather than told, that she has been merciful up until that point. We see, rather than are told, the influence of the Darkhold, so that we understand what happens when Darkhold Strange shows up at the end, and what Hero Strange is risking by using it.

I liked the movie. It was OK. I just felt like they sacrificed a better movie to include a first act twist that everyone saw coming anyway.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

WandaVision explains what the Darkhold is. Everyone who paid attention knew.