this post was submitted on 26 May 2024
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[–] [email protected] 36 points 4 weeks ago (22 children)

Another unfunded pledge from the Conservatives. What do we want? Housing! What will we get? Conscription!

David Cameron already did this anyway with the voluntary National Citizen Service. He also promised to eventually make it involuntary but never did, presumably because it was unworkable, expensive or both. So, what has changed to make it workable or inexpensive?

[–] MonsterMonster 7 points 4 weeks ago (20 children)

The realistic prospect of an armed conflict with Russia is what has changed.

Whether we cannot afford it is irrelevant, we may have no choice. We couldn't afford it in 1939 and it wasn't long ago that we'd only finished paying for our WW2 debts.

Unless something drastic happens that Putin comes to his senses we are in most likelihood heading for very dark times.

We're not the only country considering a return to National Service/Conscription.

[–] Dendrologist 7 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

You think NATO v Russia is going to require conscription?

Or, sorry, let me rephrase that. You think Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, and USA v Russia is going to require conscription?

Or, sorry, let me rephrase that. You think 966 million people v 145 million people is going to require conscription?

Or, sorry, let me rephrase that. You think a country that has been at war with its small neighbour for 10 years and is struggling v the largest military alliance in the world with the largest economies in the world would require conscription?

I've been a bit of a dick here to get my point across but making excuses for the tories bringing back conscription is also a bit dickish.

If you want to sign up, go for it. If there comes a point where it's required, I'm a relatively young fit man so would consider signing up too. But only when there's a need for it. There is no need yet.

Plus, if we're going for WW3, we're all gonna die in the nuclear blasts before we even get a chance to put boots on the ground anyway.

[–] MonsterMonster 1 points 4 weeks ago

Yes you certainly have.

For clarity, I have not stated any excuse whatsoever, certainly not for Tories, but rather a reflection on where we are at present, where we could possibly be in the future and what has happened previously.

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