this post was submitted on 25 May 2024
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I traded my cousin some really expensive RAM that I happened accross for his old desktop, that he put his graphics card into that he swapped from his newer computer. If I plug the desktop into the wall and try to turn it on nothing happens. If I open it up I can see that the where the wire from the power supply plugs into the graphics card there Is a little light on. So clearly some power is getting somewhere...

How do I go about trouble shooting this, and what tools do I need? I assume at minimum a multi meter? Not really sure what to do, it's been decades the last time I built a computer.

Board says "Asrock H110M-HDS"

Edit: Attached a Pic and noticed the light is actually on the graphics card, not motherboard. Added addtl info.

Update: So now all of the sudden the fan spins. I am at a loss as to why it spins now, as I haven't actually really done anything. I ordered a speaker for the mobo, so waiting for that.

Final update: It works! I apparently had either a bad monitor or bad display port cable. But using another monitor with DVI I was able to finally get it to fully boot!

I am not sure what got the fans to eventually work, maybe just a cable was jostled.

I really appreciate all the advice! I definitely know a lot more and feel better equipped to do things with it now.

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

He doesn't live near me, and it supposedly booted before he gave it to me. If I understand correctly, he had a family friend that has a PC repair business assemble the old one, with the old card from his newer computer. Everything seems professionally done with all the fancy zip tie cord management... but I don't know.

It's been a while since I worked on this, so maybe I will text him and see if I can refresh my memory.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

So it worked and he gave it to you, and when it arrived at your place it no longer worked? I'd try checking that all the internal cables are connected properly; one of them may have jostled loose in the journey.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

So it worked and he gave it to you, and when it arrived at your place it no longer worked?

Yep, that's the story. He's a good guy, so I have no reason to doubt it. If there are any shenanigans, it would be the guy at the shop (that I don't personally know) maybe tricking him into showing it booting properly. But that seems far fetched.

Is there a particular order to work through, that makes most sense troubleshooting wise? My hand is having trouble being nimble enough to reach a lot of places.