this post was submitted on 21 Apr 2024
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a maintainer quit
one of those complicit dickheads that was highlighted in the open letter has, unfortunately, said words again
Lotta people are leaving, holy shit
Update: Milestone got deleted, pulled out a Wayback machine copy
ah, this must be why the lie being pushed now is that it’s really just two people causing all the problems. anything to stop the bleeding without instituting any changes at all!
fucking brutal
clearly the problem is none of these long-term open source package maintainers understand that open source means Anduril can use NixOS for whatever they like! and clearly that means we have to give them an outsized amount of direct and indirect control over our committees and board, accept their money even when our entire community and several partner organizations tell us not to, let their trolls take over our discussion forums, and set up several shady commercial deals between them and a company that controls a bunch of Nix’s supposedly community-owned infrastructure (which we’ll also insist they have the right to use, even when their commercial usage of it far outstrips the value of their contributions to the community (which, in any case, wants Anduril to fuck off))
yeah, that’s the problem here
there’s nothing more non-political than destroying your own community because you want to get funding and a tiny amount of code from a right-wing defense contractor whose explicit mission is to use your and your contributors’ work to more efficiently kill people
christ almighty. there’s no number of signatures or amount of core maintainers quitting that’ll stop these fuckers from using bad math and statistics to make it look like a good thing. this is the mind-numbing banality of technofascism — you can always ass-pull some numbers to justify your ghastly fucking position no matter how many people tell you you’re a fucking ghoul.